In Jon Perr's article for the Crooks and Liars blog, he writes about how much the health care crisis has gotten worse since the Affordable Care Act was approved. Not because of it's approval, but rather because the act isn't taking full effect until 2014 but in the meantime, those in need of help continues to increase. I could not find any information about Jon Perr himself, so his credibility is a little questionable, he just seems to be one of the many bloggers for the Crooks and Liars site, which seems rather common among the blog "reporters". It appears that those that would be most interested in this article are those currently without health care or those in the health care industry due to the information included within the article regarding how much funding is proposed to go to certain groups. All in all, the article is mainly a report of facts rather than an opinionated statement. The article also goes into the efforts that Republican states used to try to slow and reverse the progress in healthcare reform, such as challenging the act in the courts. The article also reports that findings from the Commonwealth Fund noticed a trend with where Republican states tended to have worse healthcare than Democratic states. Also included in the blog post are a few tables and a pie chart showing how funding will be implemented, percentages of those uninsured and various other statistics related to healthcare and related costs. The blog entry could use more context to specific points and maybe a little less statistic related bombardment. There could be a little more substance as well, I can't help but read it and think that there isn't much actual information. It is mostly quotes and charts from other sources and it is rather short itself, but among the other posts, it had the most actual input from the actual author rather than the sources their information came from. I found that a larg chunk of the political blogs did not fit the criteria of being about national issues or were just posts of mainly a link to a news site.
You can find this blog post at on the Crooks and Liars site through this link
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